Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


18 June 2010 / 18 juin 2010


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager, Directrice municipale adjointe,

Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability, Services d'infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Michael Wildman,  Manager/Gestionnaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services suburbains

Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424, 27811


Bay/Baie (7)

Ref N°: ACS2010-ICS-PGM-0078




SITE PLAN CONTROL - 2148 Carling Avenue (FILE NO. D07-12-09-0223)




PLAN D'IMPLANTATION - 2148, avenue carling





That Planning and Environment Committee approve the Site Plan Control application for 2148 Carling Avenue as per the plans and reports included in Document 8 as shown in Documents 2 through 5 inclusive, and subject to the Owner entering into a standard Site Plan Agreement including the conditions contained in Document 6.  In the event that the Owner fails to sign the required agreement and complete the conditions to be satisfied prior to the signing of the agreement within one year of the Site Plan Approval, the approval shall lapse.




Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement approuve la demande de réglementation du plan d'implantation du 2148 de l'avenue Carling conformément aux plans et aux rapports inclus dans le Document 8 et indiqués dans les Documents 2 à 5 inclusivement et sous réserve que le propriétaire passe une entente de plan d’implantation standard comprenant les conditions contenues dans le Document 6. Dans le cas où le propriétaire ne signerait pas l’entente requise et ne satisferait pas aux conditions requises avant la signature de l’entente dans l’année suivant l’approbation du plan d’implantation, l’approbation deviendrait caduque.





Site Location


The site, 2148 Carling Avenue, is located on the south side of Carling Avenue with frontage on Fairlawn Avenue and Aaron Avenue (see Document 1).


Description of Existing Site


The 3.25 hectare property is currently occupied by an 8900 square metre retail building known as Fairlawn Plaza and situated at the rear of the site with parking lots at the north and west sides of the building. About half of the existing building is presently occupied by a retail store (Shoppers Drug Mart) and the remainder is vacant (formerly Canadian Tire). The surrounding uses comprise of commercial along Carling Avenue with the exception of residential uses along the south side of Carling Avenue, to the south of the subject site, and on the west side of Aaron Avenue. The Carlingwood Mall is located across Carling Avenue to the north.


Proposed Development


The owners wish to redevelop the site with three commercial buildings.  It is proposed to reduce the existing building from 8900 square metres to 7637 square metres, construct a new 1300 square metre retail building at the corner of Fairlawn Avenue and Carling Avenue and construct another new 1233 square metre retail building along Carling Avenue.  The building at the corner of Fairlawn Avenue and Carling Avenue (Building 'A') is proposed to have one tenant with its loading bay located at the rear of this building and hidden from street view.  The other building (Building 'B') situated along Carling Avenue and towards the middle of the subject property is to have multiple tenants.  The original building located at the rear will also have multiple tenants and its existing loading bays located at the rear and the sides of the building will remain.


A total of 346 parking spaces are required and are to be provided.  A total of five loading spaces will be provided.  Landscaping of the property is continuous along the street edges as well as being proposed within the parking area.  The existing mature trees along the Carling Avenue and Fairlawn Avenue boulevard are to be protected.


Concurrent Applications


A Minor Variance application was submitted on November 13, 2009.  The Owner required the approval of the Committee of Adjustment for a Minor Variance from the Zoning By-law to permit reduced northerly and westerly yards and landscaped open space of 0 metres for the proposed building on Area D of Schedule 113.  On March 3, 2010 the Minor Variance application was approved.




The Official Plan designates the site as General Urban Area.  In addition, the property is subject to the Mainstreet designation in the Official Plan that applies along Carling Avenue.  As the redevelopment of this property is adjacent to Carling Avenue, it was reviewed on the basis of the Mainstreet policies.


The Mainstreet designation identifies areas that are intended to provide an uninterrupted network of active, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented uses.  Permitted uses include a wide variety of retail stores, service establishments, offices, community-oriented facilities and residential apartments.  Change and renewal within all Mainstreets will be carried out in accordance with the principle of fostering an environment that is architecturally pleasing, lively in its mix of uses, oriented to the street, friendly to pedestrians and that presents a strong continuous building edge along the sidewalk.


The Official Plan encourages intensification within Mainstreets, particularly where it will replace surface parking areas that interrupt the continuity of the building façades along the street. The redevelopment of the site will replace a large portion of the existing surface parking area adjacent to Carling Avenue and Fairlawn Avenue. The two new buildings proposed along Carling and Fairlawn Avenues will establish a strong building edge along the existing sidewalks. The building setbacks along Carling Avenue will vary and the setback of the corner building facing Fairlawn Avenue will be 3.2 metres from the sidewalk to permit the continuance of a landscape strip along Fairlawn Avenue. The addition of two new buildings along Carling Avenue contributes to the mix of uses along Carling Avenue.


The Official Plan encourages elements such as public entrances, display windows, canopies and signage to be oriented to the street.  The two new buildings will have entrances along Carling Avenue that are easily accessible by a direct sidewalk connection to Carling Avenue. 




This application is recommended for approval for a number of reasons:


The proposed development and site improvements are in keeping with the applicable Official Plan policies.  The proposed new buildings are architecturally pleasing, oriented to the street, friendly to pedestrians and present a strong, continuous building edge along the City’s sidewalk on Carling and Fairlawn Avenues.  Extensive landscape treatment will contribute to the integration of the site into its commercial context.


In support of this development application, the owners submitted a Traffic Impact Statement which concluded that (1) the pedestrian crossing distance at the Fairlawn Avenue across will be reduced from 15 metres to eight metres: and (2) the relocation of the existing access on Fairlawn Avenue will have an overall positive impact on traffic operation at Fairlawn Avenue. The City's Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines states that any development generating less than 75 peak hour trips does not require any traffic study with a development application.




A registered Site Plan Control agreement is required as a condition of approval to ensure that the subject site is developed to the satisfaction of the City of Ottawa.  The Planning and Growth Management Department has required that Standard and Specific Conditions be included in the Site Plan Control agreement.  The Conditions relate to requirements such as lot grading, drainage, storm and sanitary sewers, sidewalks, landscaping and landscape security.




The applicant submitted a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment prepared by The Environmental Management Group Limited.  Based on the conclusions and recommendations of the report, the owner will be required to remove all in-ground fuel storage tanks and all residual tank fuel contents, and related pipe work, in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Ontario Fuel Handling Act.








Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  Detailed responses to the notification/circulation are provided in Document 7.




As a result of the public meeting held on February 4, 2010, where the public raised concerns about traffic, Councillor Alex Cullen lifted Delegated Authority from staff so that the matter is considered by the Planning and Environment Committee.




There are no legal/risk management implications associated with this report.




The proposal meets the City’s Strategic Plan objectives in that the development of existing employment lands promotes job creation and minimizes infrastructure costs.  The redevelopment of the property also respects the existing urban fabric, neighbourhood form and the limits of existing hard services, so that new growth is integrated seamlessly with established communities.








There are no direct financial implications associated with this report.




This application was not processed within the timeframe established for the processing of Site Plan Control applications in which Delegation of Authority to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department is removed.  Additional time was needed to obtain revised plans from the applicant (Site Plan, Landscape Plan, and General Plan of Services and Grading Plan).




Document 1    Location Map

Document 2    Site Plan

Document 3    Landscape Plan

Document 4    Grading Plan

Document 5    General Plan of Services

Document 6    Conditions of Site Plan Control Approval

Document 7    Consultation Details

Document 8    List of Plans and Reports




Legal Services to prepare the Site Plan Control agreement.


Planning and Growth Management to notify the owner, applicant, architect,, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, and all interested parties of Planning and Environment Committee’s decision.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                DOCUMENT 1

SITE PLAN                                                                                                           DOCUMENT 2

LANDSCAPE PLAN                                                                                           DOCUMENT 3


GRADING PLAN                                                                                                 DOCUMENT 4


GENERAL PLAN OF SERVICES                                                                      DOCUMENT 5






1.            Permits


The Owner(s) shall obtain such permits as may be required from Municipal or Provincial authorities and shall file copies thereof with the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department.


2.            Designated Substances Survey


That prior to demolition of the existing building on site, the Owner(s) agrees to submit the findings and recommendations for the proper handling and disposal of waste as identified in a Designated Substances Survey to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department, in accordance with Best Management Practices, including but not limited to:


a.         Asbestos on Construction Projects. . (O.Reg 278/05)


b.         Lead on Construction Projects (ISBN 0-7794-6774-4) Made Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.


c.         Registration Guidance Manual for Generators of Liquid Industrial and Hazardous Waste. (O.Reg 347)


d.         Proposed Regulation Respecting Lead on Construction Projects Made Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.


e.         Waste Management – PCBs. (O.Reg 362)


3.            Barrier Curbs


The Owner(s) agrees that the parking areas (and entrances) shall have barrier curbs and shall be constructed in accordance with a design professional and approved by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department.


4.            Water Supply for Fire Fighting


The Owner(s) shall provide adequate water supply for fire fighting for every building. Water supplies may be public water works system, automatic fire pumps, and pressure tanks or gravity tanks.


5.             Reinstatement of City Property


         The Owner(s) shall reinstate at its expense, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department, any property of the City, including, but not limited to, sidewalks and curbs, boulevards, that are damaged as a result of the subject development.


6.             Construction Fencing


The Owner(s) shall be required to install construction fencing at its expense, in such a location as may be determined by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department.


7.             Maintenance and Liability Agreement


The Owner(s) shall be required to enter into a maintenance and liability agreement for all plant and landscaping material placed in the City’s right-of-way and the Owner(s) shall assume all maintenance and replacement responsibilities in perpetuity.


8.             Completion of Works


No building will be occupied on the lands, nor will the Owner(s) convey title to any building until all requirements with respect to completion of the Works as identified in this Agreement have been carried out and received Approval by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department, including the installation of municipal numbering provided in a permanent location visible during both day and night and the installation of any street name sign on relevant streets. Provided that notwithstanding the non-completion of the foregoing Works, conveyance and/or occupancy of a lot or structure may otherwise be permitted, if in the sole opinion of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department, the aforesaid Works are proceeding satisfactorily toward completion.  The Owner shall obtain the consent of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department for such conveyance and/or occupancy in writing.



1.             Road Widening


The Owner(s) shall convey, at no cost to the City, a road widening across the complete Carling Avenue frontage measuring  22.25 metres from the existing property line. The exact widening must be determined by legal survey. The Owner shall provide an electronic copy of the Deed and a copy of the Deposited Reference Plan indicating the widening, prior to execution of the agreement by the City.  Such reference plan must be tied to the Horizontal Control Network in accordance with the municipal requirements and guidelines for referencing legal surveys and will have been submitted to the City Surveyor for review prior to its deposit in the Registry Office.  The City will not register the Deed for the road widening until after the City has issued the related building permit.


2.             Corner Sight Triangle


The Owner(s) shall convey, at no cost to the City, a 5 metre x 5 metre corner sight triangle. The exact triangle area must be determined by legal survey. The Owner shall provide an electronic copy of the Deed and a copy of the Deposited Reference Plan indicating the triangle, prior to execution of the agreement by the City.  Such reference plan must be tied to the Horizontal Control Network in accordance with the municipal requirements and guidelines for referencing legal surveys and will have been submitted to the City Surveyor for review prior to its deposit in the Registry Office.  The City will not register the Deed for the triangle conveyance until after the City has issued the related building permit.


3.            Permanent Features


No permanent features will be permitted above and below-grade within the widened right-of-way or corner triangle, including commercial signage.


4.             Public Roadway Modifications


The Owner(s) are responsible for all costs associated with the public roadway modifications required to accommodate this development.


5.             Geotechnical Report


The Owner’s Geotechnical Engineer shall ensure that the recommendations of the Preliminary Geotechnical Report, Ref No. 09-462, dated November 2009, prepared by Houle Chevrier Engineering Limited, are fully implemented and that certificates of compliance are issued, with respect to all recommendations and provisions of the report, prior to construction of the foundation and at the completion of the works, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management Department.


6.             Site Lighting Certificate


Prior to the Site Plan Approval, the applicant shall provide a certificate, from an acceptable professional engineer, that the site lighting has been designed to meet the following criteria:


a.               It must be designed using only fixtures that meet the criteria for Full Cut-Off (Sharp cut-off) Classification, as recognized by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA or IES), and;


b.              It must result in minimal light spillage onto adjacent properties. As a guideline, 0.5 fc is normally the maximum allowable spillage.


Upon completion of the works, the applicant must provide certification satisfactory to the City that the site lighting has been constructed in accordance with the applicant’s design prior to the City releasing any associated securities.


7.             Waste Collection


Waste collection and recycling collection will not be provided by the City. The applicant should make appropriate arrangements with a private contractor for waste and recycling collection. The owner should consult a private contractor regarding any access requirements for waste and/or recycling collection.


8.             Soil Management


The Owner agrees to undertake testing for contamination of any soils, fill and/or debris to be removed. If these materials are found to be contaminated, they must be disposed, treated or recycled at a waste disposal site or landfill, licensed for that purpose, by the Ministry of Environment.

9.             Decommissioning of On-Site Monitoring Wells


The Owner agrees to remove/decommission any on-site monitoring wells, if not required for future groundwater monitoring purposes, in accordance with O. Reg. 903 (as amended), under the Ontario Water Resources Act.

10.         Removal of Fuel Storage Tanks


The Owner agrees to remove all in-ground fuel storage tanks and all residual tank fuel contents and related pipe works, in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Ontario Fuel Handling Act.


11.         Pre-Blast Survey


Prior to any blasting activities, a pre-blast survey shall be prepared as per Ontario Provincial Standard Specification (OPSS) 120.07.03, at the Owner(s) expense for all buildings, utilities, structures, water wells, and facilities likely to be affected by the blast and those within 150 m of the location where explosives are to be used. The standard inspection procedure shall include the provision of an explanatory letter to the owner or occupant and owner with a formal request for permission to carry out an inspection.


12.         Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland


          The Owner shall pay cash-in-lieu of parkland in accordance with the Parkland Dedication By-law of the City of Ottawa, as well as the fee for appraisal services.  The monies are to be paid at the time of execution of the Site Plan Agreement.

CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                             DOCUMENT 7





Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Site Plan amendments.  A public meeting was held in the community on 4 February 2010.  City staff were not present.





There were five written responses from the public to the notification.  The comments are also in response to the public meeting held in the community on 4 February 2010, where about 75 people attended.  The respondents' concerns and staff responses related to the Site Plan Control application are summarized below.




Three out of the five respondents were in favour of the redevelopment of the site. Two other respondents were from the Glabar Park Community Alliance Inc. and their concerns are provided below.




Glabar Park Community Alliance Inc.

1.         Comment:  Traffic is the #1 issue here in Glabar Park as we are sandwiched between highways Maitland and Woodroffe. A Traffic Impact Study should be reviewed for this expansion.


            Response:  The proposed development at Fairlawn Plaza (2148 Carling Avenue) consists of demolishing 1263 square metres of the existing retail building, and adding two new commercial buildings totalling 2533 square metres. The net increase in Gross Floor Area proposed by this development is 2533 square metres and the total Gross Floor Area is 10170 square metres.  This would only generate approximately 30 peak hour vehicular trips. The City's Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines states that any development generating less than 75 peak hour trips does not require any traffic study with a development application. However the owners did submit a Traffic Impact Statement which concluded that (1) the pedestrian crossing distance at the Fairlawn Avenue across will be reduced from 15 metres to eight metres: and (2) the relocation of the existing access on Fairlawn Avenue will have an overall positive impact on traffic operation at Fairlawn Avenue.


With respect to truck traffic, the applicant was informed that they are permitted to continue using the portion of Fairlawn Avenue for access to the site, as long as the trucks come directly from Carling Avenue onto Fairlawn and go directly to the subject site.  Truckers may also exit onto Fairlawn but travel directly toward Carling Avenue.


2.         Comment:  Due to a recent decision by the Committee of Adjustment permitting the owner to not provide the 10-metre building setback along Fairlawn Avenue, it is proposed to have Building ‘A’ up tight to the Fairlawn Avenue sidewalk which could have provided a wonderful café-oasis bathed in the N-W sunshine to add to the community enjoyment and amenity of the otherwise sparse and drab area.  In addition, by having Building ‘A’ jammed into the N-W corner of the Fairlawn development area, results in reduced line of sight for north-bound traffic on Fairlawn Avenue where Carling Avenue is already meeting Fairlawn at about a 10 degree angle.


            Response:  The proposed location of Building ‘A’ will have a setback of between 3.2 and 4.0 metres from the existing sidewalk along Fairlawn Avenue and will vary between 4.5 and 8.0 metres along Carling Avenue.  As a condition of Site Plan approval, the owners shall convey about 1.540 metres wide strip of land along Carling Avenue and a corner site triangle of 5.0 by 5.0 metres as shown on the Site Plan (see Document 2).  The required site triangle is designed to provide the necessary sight lines.


3.         Comment:  No attention or provision has been made for enhancing the essentially drab nature of the present site.  The two new buildings are simply plain boxes with no surrounding landscaping to break the drabness of the overall site.


            Response:  The original submitted drawings did not have much landscaping proposed for the overall site.  The applicant has revised their drawings to the satisfaction of staff by increasing the overall amount of trees and shrubs.  New landscaping is mostly concentrated on the perimeter of the site with the exception of some parking islands having a trees and shrubs.  Also, the pedestrian connections on the site have been improved to provide a safer movement for pedestrians walking between buildings.


LIST OF PLANS AND REPORTS                                                                      DOCUMENT 8


List of Plans to be Approved:


1.         "Site Plan, Fairlawn Plaza, Retail Re-Development, Starbank Group of Companies, 2148 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ontario" Drawing No. A1 prepared by SMV Architects, dated June 2010.


2.         "Landscape Plan, Fairlawn Plaza, Retail Re-Development, Starbank Group of Companies, 2148 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ontario" Drawing No. A1 prepared by Laroque Levstek Consulting Services, dated June 14, 2010.


3.         "General Plan of Services, 2148 Carling Avenue, City of Ottawa, Fairlawn Plaza Retail Re-Development" Drawing No. 109159-GP prepared by Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd., dated December 9, 2009, and dated as revised June 2010.


4.         "Grading Plan, 2148 Carling Avenue, City of Ottawa, Fairlawn Plaza Retail Re-Development" Drawing No. 109159-GR prepared by Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd., dated December 9, 2009, and dated as revised June 2010.



List of Reports to be Approved:


1.      Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Ref No. 09-462, dated November 2009, prepared by Houle Chevrier Engineering Ltd.


2.      Stormwater Management Report, Ref. No. R-2009-155, File No. 109159-1, dated April 28, 2010, prepared by Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd.


3.      Design Brief and Assessment of Adequacy of Services, Proj. No. 109159, dated December 9, 2009, prepared by Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd.


4.      Phase II ESA, Proj. No. 1008-09, dated September 4, 2009, prepared by The Environment Management Group Ltd.